Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hey guys! Been a long time to share something with you. Actually I was not getting any good topic to write but today I’ve something to share with you.

I want to know
what success to you is?
Please express it in the comment section of the blog so that I get to know the views of people with whom I’m sharing this article.
Anyways, as far as I believe different people have different definition of success.
For one it is achieving the set target, or accomplishing a particular or preset goal, for others achieving a status symbol is success for him/her.

You might get around 1.3 trillion definition or more than that about success in India itself, indicating the true knowledge base of world’s largest democratic society.
Well, according to me success is more a broaden term & it has many facets. Just shown a glimpse of it in the above paragraph. But, mind it, these are just the facets of it, not as a whole. These small - small facets together make the true definition of success. Or better is to say meaning of success.

I’ll tell you the actual meaning of success to myself in the end of this article, may be because I want my article to look good! 
Anyways success is interlinked with satisfaction as well. People want to achieve successful career, but success is not limited to this, it is something that could soothe your soul & will take you to the self-actualization state.
So, without making the article heavy & lengthy, I just tell what it means to me:
For me, it is
“Something where your individual growth is connected to the society & thus, for me it is apart from achieving the top position in the field in which you are currently working, something such that with your individual growth, society will also grows. That is the real success” !!

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